Building a Comprehensive Professional Network: Designing a LinkedIn-Like System with User Profiles, Job Recommendations, Groups, and Company Pages

Explore the detailed design and implementation of a LinkedIn-like system, covering user profiles enriched with experiences, skills, and education. Learn how to create and manage job vacancies posted by Company Pages, allowing users to apply for opportunities. Dive into the networking aspect with Groups, where users can collaborate and share insights. This blog provides a step-by-step guide to creating a robust professional network platform, demonstrating key functionalities and the interconnected nature of user profiles, job recommendations, groups, and company pages.

Experience Class

  • Purpose: Represents a user’s work experience.

Education Class

  • Purpose: Represents a user’s educational background.

Skill Class

  • Purpose: Represents a specific skill possessed by a user.

Profile Class

  • Purpose: Represents the personal details of a user.

User Class

  • Purpose: Represents a user within the system.

CompanyPage Class

  • Purpose: Represents a company’s profile, capable of creating job vacancies.

Group Class

  • Purpose: Represents a group within the system where users can collaborate.

JobVacancy Class

  • Purpose: Represents a job vacancy, posted by a CompanyPage and applied for by users.

JobRecommendationSystem Class

  • Purpose: Provides logic for recommending jobs to users based on their profiles.

LinkedInSystem Class

  • Purpose: Contains the main method to demonstrate the functionalities of the LinkedIn-like system.
public class Group {
    private String groupId;
    private String groupName;
    private List<User> members;
    // Other group-related fields and methods
    // Constructors, getters, setters, etc.
    // ...

public class CompanyPage {
    private String companyId;
    private String companyName;
    private List<JobVacancy> jobVacancies;
    // Other company page-related fields and methods
    // Constructors, getters, setters, etc.
    // ...
    // Method to create a new job vacancy
    public void createJobVacancy(String title, String description, Experience requiredExperience,
                                  List<Skill> requiredSkills, Education requiredEducation) {
        JobVacancy jobVacancy = new JobVacancy(title, description, requiredExperience, requiredSkills, requiredEducation);

public class Experience {
    private String title;
    private String company;
    private int years;
    // Constructors, getters, setters, etc.
    // ...

public class Education {
    private String degree;
    private String institution;
    private int graduationYear;
    // Constructors, getters, setters, etc.
    // ...

public class Skill {
    private String name;
    // Constructors, getters, setters, etc.
    // ...

public class JobVacancy {
    private String jobId;
    private String title;
    private String description;
    private Experience requiredExperience;
    private List<Skill> requiredSkills;
    private Education requiredEducation;
    private CompanyPage postedBy;
    private List<User> applicants;
    // Constructors, getters, setters, etc.
    // ...
    // Method to allow users to apply for the job
    public void applyForJob(User user) {

import java.util.List;

public class UserProfile {
    private int userId;
    private Date dateOfJoining;
    private Profile profile;
    private List<User> connections;
    private List<User> followsUsers;
    private List<CompanyPage> followCompanies;
    private List<Group> joinedGroups;
    private List<CompanyPage> createdPages;
    private List<Group> createdGroups;
    private List<Experience> experiences;
    private List<Skill> skills;
    private List<Education> educations;
    private List<JobVacancy> appliedJobs;
    // Constructors, getters, setters, and other methods
    // ...
    // Method to allow users to apply for jobs
    public void applyForJob(JobVacancy job) {

public class LinkedInSystem {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Sample data initialization

        // Create sample experiences, skills, and education
        Experience experience1 = new Experience("Software Engineer", "ABC Inc.", 3);
        Skill skill1 = new Skill("Java");
        Education education1 = new Education("Bachelor's in Computer Science", "XYZ University", 2020);

        // Create user profiles with the sample data
        UserProfile user1 = new UserProfile(
                1, new Date(), new Profile("John", "Doe", "Software Developer"),
                Arrays.asList(), Arrays.asList(), Arrays.asList(),
                Arrays.asList(), Arrays.asList(), Arrays.asList(experience1),
                Arrays.asList(skill1), Arrays.asList(education1), Arrays.asList()

        UserProfile user2 = new UserProfile(/* Add details for another user */);

        // Create sample job vacancies
        JobVacancy job1 = new JobVacancy(
                "J001", "Java Developer", "Exciting opportunity for a Java Developer",
                experience1, Arrays.asList(skill1), education1, null, Arrays.asList()

        // Create a company page and add a job vacancy
        CompanyPage companyPage1 = new CompanyPage("C001", "ABC Inc.", Arrays.asList(), Arrays.asList(job1));
        // Allow users to apply for jobs

        // Display applied jobs for a user
        System.out.println("Jobs applied by User1:");
        for (JobVacancy appliedJob : user1.getAppliedJobs()) {

        // Display applied jobs for another user
        System.out.println("Jobs applied by User2:");
        for (JobVacancy appliedJob : user2.getAppliedJobs()) {

        // More code...

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