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Understanding Lua Scripts in Redis: Keys and Non-Key Values

Redis provides powerful scripting capabilities through Lua, enabling you to execute complex logic directly within the database. When working with Redis Cluster, it’s essential to understand how to properly pass keys and non-key values to ensure your script executes without errors. This blog post will explore the distinction between keys and non-key values in Lua scripts and how to handle them effectively.

Why Does It Matter?

In a Redis Cluster, different keys may reside on different nodes. For Lua scripts to run correctly, all keys involved in the script must be located on the same node. Redis determines which node to route the script to based on the keys you pass. Non-key values, however, don’t participate in this routing and should be handled differently.

The Problem: CROSSSLOT Error

If you pass a mix of keys and non-key values as part of the KEYS array in your Lua script, you may encounter the CROSSSLOT error. This happens because Redis expects all items in the KEYS array to be actual Redis keys that belong to the same hash slot.

The Solution: Use KEYS and ARGV Correctly

To avoid this error, you should:

  • Use KEYS: Pass actual Redis keys.
  • Use ARGV: Pass non-key values, such as timestamps, counters, or any other data that doesn’t need to be hashed or routed to a specific node.

Example Scenario

Let’s say you have a Redis hash where you want to store the last access time and increment a hit count every time a key is accessed. Here’s how you would structure your Lua script:

-- Lua script to update last access time and increment hit count
local lastAccessTime = ARGV[1]
local key = KEYS[1]

-- Update the last access time
redis.call('hset', key, 'redisstats_key_lastaccess', lastAccessTime)

-- Increment the hit count
redis.call('hincrby', key, 'redisstats_key_hitcount', 1)

Java Code Example

If you’re using Java with the Jedis library to execute this Lua script, your code might look like this:

// Define the Lua script
String luaScript = "redis.call('hset', KEYS[1], 'redisstats_key_lastaccess', ARGV[1]) " +
                   "redis.call('hincrby', KEYS[1], 'redisstats_key_hitcount', 1)";

// Key to be used in the script
String itemKey = "{object}:key1";

// Current timestamp as the last access time
String lastAccessTime = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());

// Execute the Lua script with JedisCluster
((JedisCluster) cMgr).eval(luaScript, 1, new String[] { itemKey }, lastAccessTime);


  • KEYS[1]: This is the actual Redis key (itemKey), which will be passed to the script.
  • ARGV[1]: This is the non-key value (in this case, lastAccessTime), which will be passed separately as an argument.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Always pass actual Redis keys using KEYS: This ensures that Redis knows which nodes to interact with and avoids the CROSSSLOT error in a clustered environment.
  2. Pass non-key values using ARGV: Non-key values should be passed using the ARGV array, so they don’t affect the routing of the script.
  3. Test in a clustered environment: If you’re working with a Redis Cluster, always test your Lua scripts in the cluster to ensure that keys are properly routed and that your script executes correctly.


By properly distinguishing between keys and non-key values in your Lua scripts, you can avoid common errors like CROSSSLOT and ensure your Redis operations run smoothly, even in a clustered environment. Remember, KEYS for keys and ARGV for everything else!

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